SymbolicRegression.jl searches for symbolic expressions which optimize a particular objective.

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MLJ Interface

The easiest way to use SymbolicRegression.jl is with MLJ. Let's see an example:

import SymbolicRegression: SRRegressor
import MLJ: machine, fit!, predict, report

# Dataset with two named features:
X = (a = rand(500), b = rand(500))

# and one target:
y = @. 2 * cos(X.a * 23.5) - X.b ^ 2

# with some noise:
y = y .+ randn(500) .* 1e-3

model = SRRegressor(
    binary_operators=[+, -, *],

Now, let's create and train this model on our data:

mach = machine(model, X, y)


You will notice that expressions are printed using the column names of our table. If, instead of a table-like object, a simple array is passed (e.g., X=randn(100, 2)), x1, ..., xn will be used for variable names.

Let's look at the expressions discovered:


Finally, we can make predictions with the expressions on new data:

predict(mach, X)

This will make predictions using the expression selected by model.selection_method, which by default is a mix of accuracy and complexity.

You can override this selection and select an equation from the Pareto front manually with:

predict(mach, (data=X, idx=2))

where here we choose to evaluate the second equation.

For fitting multiple outputs, one can use MultitargetSRRegressor (and pass an array of indices to idx in predict for selecting specific equations). For a full list of options available to each regressor, see the API page.

Low-Level Interface

The heart of SymbolicRegression.jl is the equation_search function. This takes a 2D array and attempts to model a 1D array using analytic functional forms. Note: unlike the MLJ interface, this assumes column-major input of shape [features, rows].

import SymbolicRegression: Options, equation_search

X = randn(2, 100)
y = 2 * cos.(X[2, :]) + X[1, :] .^ 2 .- 2

options = Options(
    binary_operators=[+, *, /, -],
    unary_operators=[cos, exp],

hall_of_fame = equation_search(
    X, y, niterations=40, options=options,

You can view the resultant equations in the dominating Pareto front (best expression seen at each complexity) with:

import SymbolicRegression: calculate_pareto_frontier

dominating = calculate_pareto_frontier(hall_of_fame)

This is a vector of PopMember type - which contains the expression along with the cost. We can get the expressions with:

trees = [member.tree for member in dominating]

Each of these equations is an Expression{T} type for some constant type T (like Float32).

These expression objects are callable – you can simply pass in data:

tree = trees[end]
output = tree(X)

Constructing expressions

Expressions are represented under-the-hood as the Node type which is developed in the DynamicExpressions.jl package. The Expression type wraps this and includes metadata about operators and variable names.

You can manipulate and construct expressions directly. For example:

using SymbolicRegression: Options, Expression, Node

options = Options(;
    binary_operators=[+, -, *, /], unary_operators=[cos, exp, sin]
operators = options.operators
variable_names = ["x1", "x2", "x3"]
x1, x2, x3 = [Expression(Node(Float64; feature=i); operators, variable_names) for i=1:3]

tree = cos(x1 - 3.2 * x2) - x1 * x1

This tree has Float64 constants, so the type of the entire tree will be promoted to Node{Float64}.

We can convert all constants (recursively) to Float32:

float32_tree = convert(Expression{Float32}, tree)

We can then evaluate this tree on a dataset:

X = rand(Float32, 3, 100)


This callable format is the easy-to-use version which will automatically set all values to NaN if there were any Inf or NaN during evaluation. You can call the raw evaluation method with eval_tree_array:

output, did_succeed = eval_tree_array(tree, X)

where did_succeed explicitly declares whether the evaluation was successful.

Exporting to SymbolicUtils.jl

We can view the equations in the dominating Pareto frontier with:

dominating = calculate_pareto_frontier(hall_of_fame)

We can convert the best equation to SymbolicUtils.jl with the following function:

import SymbolicRegression: node_to_symbolic

eqn = node_to_symbolic(dominating[end].tree)
println(simplify(eqn*5 + 3))

We can also print out the full pareto frontier like so:

import SymbolicRegression: compute_complexity, string_tree


for member in dominating
    complexity = compute_complexity(member, options)
    loss = member.loss
    string = string_tree(member.tree, options)


Contributors ✨

We are eager to welcome new contributors! If you have an idea for a new feature, don't hesitate to share it on the issues page or forums.

Mark Kittisopikul
Mark Kittisopikul

💻 💡 🚇 📦 📣 👀 🔧 ⚠️
T Coxon
T Coxon

🐛 💻 🔌 💡 🚇 🚧 👀 🔧 ⚠️ 📓
Dhananjay Ashok
Dhananjay Ashok

💻 🌍 💡 🚧 ⚠️
Johan Blåbäck
Johan Blåbäck

🐛 💻 💡 🚧 📣 👀 ⚠️ 📓

🐛 💻 📖 🔌 💡 🚇 🚧 📦 📣 👀 🔧 📓

💻 🚇 📦 👀 🔧 ⚠️
Kaze Wong
Kaze Wong

🐛 💻 💡 🚇 🚧 📣 👀 🔬 📓
Christopher Rackauckas
Christopher Rackauckas

🐛 💻 🔌 💡 🚇 📣 👀 🔬 🔧 ⚠️ 📓
Patrick Kidger
Patrick Kidger

🐛 💻 📖 🔌 💡 🚧 📣 👀 🔬 🔧 ⚠️ 📓
Okon Samuel
Okon Samuel

🐛 💻 📖 🚧 💡 🚇 👀 ⚠️ 📓
William Booth-Clibborn
William Booth-Clibborn

💻 🌍 📖 📓 🚧 👀 🔧 ⚠️
Pablo Lemos
Pablo Lemos

🐛 💡 📣 👀 🔬 📓
Jerry Ling
Jerry Ling

🐛 💻 📖 🌍 💡 📣 👀 📓
Charles Fox
Charles Fox

🐛 💻 💡 🚧 📣 👀 🔬 📓
Johann Brehmer
Johann Brehmer

💻 📖 💡 📣 👀 🔬 ⚠️ 📓
Marius Millea
Marius Millea

💻 💡 📣 👀 📓

🐛 💻 💡 👀 📓
Pietro Monticone
Pietro Monticone

🐛 📖 💡
Mateusz Kubica
Mateusz Kubica

📖 💡
Jay Wadekar
Jay Wadekar

🐛 💡 📣 🔬
Anthony Blaom, PhD
Anthony Blaom, PhD

🚇 💡 👀

🐛 💡 👀
Michael Abbott
Michael Abbott

💻 💡 👀 🔧
Oscar Smith
Oscar Smith

💻 💡
Eric Hanson
Eric Hanson

💡 📣 📓
Henrique Becker
Henrique Becker

💻 💡 👀

🐛 📖 💡 📓
Rik Huijzer
Rik Huijzer

💡 🚇
Hongyu Wang
Hongyu Wang

💡 📣 🔬
Saurav Maheshkar
Saurav Maheshkar


Code structure

SymbolicRegression.jl is organized roughly as follows. Rounded rectangles indicate objects, and rectangles indicate functions.

(if you can't see this diagram being rendered, try pasting it into

flowchart TB op([Options]) d([Dataset]) op --> ES d --> ES subgraph ES[equation_search] direction TB IP[sr_spawner] IP --> p1 IP --> p2 subgraph p1[Thread 1] direction LR pop1([Population]) pop1 --> src[s_r_cycle] src --> opt[optimize_and_simplify_population] opt --> pop1 end subgraph p2[Thread 2] direction LR pop2([Population]) pop2 --> src2[s_r_cycle] src2 --> opt2[optimize_and_simplify_population] opt2 --> pop2 end pop1 --> hof pop2 --> hof hof([HallOfFame]) hof --> migration pop1 <-.-> migration pop2 <-.-> migration migration[migrate!] end ES --> output([HallOfFame])

The HallOfFame objects store the expressions with the lowest loss seen at each complexity.

The dependency structure of the code itself is as follows:

stateDiagram-v2 AdaptiveParsimony --> Mutate AdaptiveParsimony --> Population AdaptiveParsimony --> RegularizedEvolution AdaptiveParsimony --> SearchUtils AdaptiveParsimony --> SingleIteration AdaptiveParsimony --> SymbolicRegression CheckConstraints --> Mutate CheckConstraints --> SymbolicRegression Complexity --> CheckConstraints Complexity --> HallOfFame Complexity --> LossFunctions Complexity --> MLJInterface Complexity --> Mutate Complexity --> PopMember Complexity --> Population Complexity --> SearchUtils Complexity --> SingleIteration Complexity --> SymbolicRegression ConstantOptimization --> ExpressionBuilder ConstantOptimization --> Mutate ConstantOptimization --> SingleIteration Core --> AdaptiveParsimony Core --> CheckConstraints Core --> Complexity Core --> ConstantOptimization Core --> DimensionalAnalysis Core --> ExpressionBuilder Core --> ExpressionBuilder Core --> HallOfFame Core --> InterfaceDynamicExpressions Core --> LossFunctions Core --> MLJInterface Core --> Migration Core --> Mutate Core --> MutationFunctions Core --> PopMember Core --> Population Core --> Recorder Core --> RegularizedEvolution Core --> SearchUtils Core --> SingleIteration Core --> SymbolicRegression Dataset --> Core DimensionalAnalysis --> LossFunctions ExpressionBuilder --> SymbolicRegression HallOfFame --> ExpressionBuilder HallOfFame --> MLJInterface HallOfFame --> SearchUtils HallOfFame --> SingleIteration HallOfFame --> SymbolicRegression HallOfFame --> deprecates InterfaceDynamicExpressions --> ExpressionBuilder InterfaceDynamicExpressions --> HallOfFame InterfaceDynamicExpressions --> LossFunctions InterfaceDynamicExpressions --> SymbolicRegression InterfaceDynamicQuantities --> Dataset InterfaceDynamicQuantities --> MLJInterface LossFunctions --> ConstantOptimization LossFunctions --> ExpressionBuilder LossFunctions --> ExpressionBuilder LossFunctions --> Mutate LossFunctions --> PopMember LossFunctions --> Population LossFunctions --> SingleIteration LossFunctions --> SymbolicRegression MLJInterface --> SymbolicRegression Migration --> SymbolicRegression Mutate --> RegularizedEvolution MutationFunctions --> ExpressionBuilder MutationFunctions --> Mutate MutationFunctions --> Population MutationFunctions --> SymbolicRegression MutationFunctions --> deprecates MutationWeights --> Core MutationWeights --> Options MutationWeights --> OptionsStruct Operators --> Core Operators --> Options Options --> Core OptionsStruct --> Core OptionsStruct --> Options OptionsStruct --> Options PopMember --> ConstantOptimization PopMember --> ExpressionBuilder PopMember --> HallOfFame PopMember --> Migration PopMember --> Mutate PopMember --> Population PopMember --> SearchUtils PopMember --> SingleIteration PopMember --> SymbolicRegression Population --> ExpressionBuilder Population --> Migration Population --> RegularizedEvolution Population --> SearchUtils Population --> SingleIteration Population --> SymbolicRegression ProgramConstants --> Core ProgramConstants --> Dataset ProgramConstants --> Operators ProgressBars --> SearchUtils ProgressBars --> SymbolicRegression Recorder --> Mutate Recorder --> RegularizedEvolution Recorder --> SingleIteration Recorder --> SymbolicRegression RegularizedEvolution --> SingleIteration SearchUtils --> SymbolicRegression SingleIteration --> SymbolicRegression Utils --> ConstantOptimization Utils --> Dataset Utils --> DimensionalAnalysis Utils --> HallOfFame Utils --> InterfaceDynamicExpressions Utils --> MLJInterface Utils --> Migration Utils --> Operators Utils --> Options Utils --> PopMember Utils --> Population Utils --> RegularizedEvolution Utils --> SearchUtils Utils --> SingleIteration Utils --> SymbolicRegression

Bash command to generate dependency structure from src directory (requires vim-stream):

echo 'stateDiagram-v2'
for f in *.jl; do
    for line in $(cat $f | grep -e 'import \.\.' -e 'import \.' -e 'using \.' -e 'using \.\.'); do
        echo $(echo $line | vims -s 'dwf:d$' -t '%s/^\.*//g' '%s/Module//g') $(basename "$f" .jl);
done | vims -l 'f a--> ' | sort

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