

Equations are specified as binary trees with the Node type, defined as follows.

Node{T} <: AbstractExpressionNode{T}

Node defines a symbolic expression stored in a binary tree. A single Node instance is one "node" of this tree, and has references to its children. By tracing through the children nodes, you can evaluate or print a given expression.


  • degree::UInt8: Degree of the node. 0 for constants, 1 for unary operators, 2 for binary operators.
  • constant::Bool: Whether the node is a constant.
  • val::T: Value of the node. If degree==0, and constant==true, this is the value of the constant. It has a type specified by the overall type of the Node (e.g., Float64).
  • feature::UInt16: Index of the feature to use in the case of a feature node. Only used if degree==0 and constant==false. Only defined if degree == 0 && constant == false.
  • op::UInt8: If degree==1, this is the index of the operator in operators.unaops. If degree==2, this is the index of the operator in operators.binops. In other words, this is an enum of the operators, and is dependent on the specific OperatorEnum object. Only defined if degree >= 1
  • l::Node{T}: Left child of the node. Only defined if degree >= 1. Same type as the parent node.
  • r::Node{T}: Right child of the node. Only defined if degree == 2. Same type as the parent node. This is to be passed as the right argument to the binary operator.


Node([T]; val=nothing, feature=nothing, op=nothing, l=nothing, r=nothing, children=nothing, allocator=default_allocator)
Node{T}(; val=nothing, feature=nothing, op=nothing, l=nothing, r=nothing, children=nothing, allocator=default_allocator)

Create a new node in an expression tree. If T is not specified in either the type or the first argument, it will be inferred from the value of val passed or l and/or r. If it cannot be inferred from these, it will default to Float32.

The children keyword can be used instead of l and r and should be a tuple of children. This is to permit the use of splatting in constructors.

You may also construct nodes via the convenience operators generated by creating an OperatorEnum.

You may also choose to specify a default memory allocator for the node other than simply Node{T}() in the allocator keyword argument.

When you create an Options object, the operators passed are also re-defined for Node types. This allows you use, e.g., t=Node(; feature=1) * 3f0 to create a tree, so long as * was specified as a binary operator. This works automatically for operators defined in Base, although you can also get this to work for user-defined operators by using @extend_operators:

@extend_operators options

Extends all operators defined in this options object to work on the AbstractExpressionNode type. While by default this is already done for operators defined in Base when you create an options and pass define_helper_functions=true, this does not apply to the user-defined operators. Thus, to do so, you must apply this macro to the operator enum in the same module you have the operators defined.


When using these node constructors, types will automatically be promoted. You can convert the type of a node using convert:

convert(::Type{<:AbstractExpressionNode{T1}}, n::AbstractExpressionNode{T2}) where {T1,T2}

Convert a AbstractExpressionNode{T2} to a AbstractExpressionNode{T1}. This will recursively convert all children nodes to AbstractExpressionNode{T1}, using convert(T1, tree.val) at constant nodes.


  • ::Type{AbstractExpressionNode{T1}}: Type to convert to.
  • tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T2}: AbstractExpressionNode to convert.

You can set a tree (in-place) with set_node!:

set_node!(tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T}, new_tree::AbstractExpressionNode{T}) where {T}

Set every field of tree equal to the corresponding field of new_tree.

You can create a copy of a node with copy_node:

copy_node(tree::AbstractExpressionNode; break_sharing::Val{BS}=Val(false)) where {BS}

Copy a node, recursively copying all children nodes. This is more efficient than the built-in copy.

If break_sharing is set to Val(true), sharing in a tree will be ignored.


Expressions are represented using the Expression type, which combines the raw Node type with an OperatorEnum.

Expression{T, N, D} <: AbstractExpression{T, N}

(Experimental) Defines a high-level, user-facing, expression type that encapsulates an expression tree (like Node) along with associated metadata for evaluation and rendering.


  • tree::N: The root node of the raw expression tree.
  • metadata::Metadata{D}: A named tuple of settings for the expression, such as the operators and variable names.


  • Expression(tree::AbstractExpressionNode, metadata::NamedTuple): Construct from the fields
  • @parse_expression(expr, operators=operators, variable_names=variable_names, node_type=Node): Parse a Julia expression with a given context and create an Expression object.


This type is intended for end-users to interact with and manipulate expressions at a high level, abstracting away the complexities of the underlying expression tree operations.

These types allow you to define and manipulate expressions with a clear separation between the structure and the operators used.

Template Expressions

Template expressions allow you to specify predefined structures and constraints for your expressions. These use ComposableExpressions as their internal expression type, which makes them flexible for creating a structure out of a single function.

These use the TemplateStructure type to define how expressions should be combined and evaluated.

TemplateExpression{T,F,N,E,TS,D} <: AbstractExpression{T,N}

A symbolic expression that allows the combination of multiple sub-expressions in a structured way, with constraints on variable usage.

TemplateExpression is designed for symbolic regression tasks where domain-specific knowledge or constraints must be imposed on the model's structure.


  • TemplateExpression(trees; structure, operators, variable_names)
    • trees: A NamedTuple holding the sub-expressions (e.g., f = Expression(...), g = Expression(...)).
    • structure: A TemplateStructure which holds functions that define how the sub-expressions are combined in different contexts.
    • operators: An OperatorEnum that defines the allowed operators for the sub-expressions.
    • variable_names: An optional Vector of String that defines the names of the variables in the dataset.


Let's create an example TemplateExpression that combines two sub-expressions f(x1, x2) and g(x3):

# Define operators and variable names
options = Options(; binary_operators=(+, *, /, -), unary_operators=(sin, cos))
operators = options.operators
variable_names = ["x1", "x2", "x3"]

# Create sub-expressions
x1 = Expression(Node{Float64}(; feature=1); operators, variable_names)
x2 = Expression(Node{Float64}(; feature=2); operators, variable_names)
x3 = Expression(Node{Float64}(; feature=3); operators, variable_names)

# Create TemplateExpression
example_expr = (; f=x1, g=x3)
st_expr = TemplateExpression(
    structure=TemplateStructure{(:f, :g)}(
        ((; f, g), (x1, x2, x3)) -> sin(f(x1, x2)) + g(x3)^2

When fitting a model in SymbolicRegression.jl, you can provide expression_spec=TemplateExpressionSpec(; structure=TemplateStructure(...)) as an option. The variable_constraints will constraint f to only have access to x1 and x2, and g to only have access to x3.

TemplateStructure{K,E,NF} <: Function

A struct that defines a prescribed structure for a TemplateExpression, including functions that define the result in different contexts.

The K parameter is used to specify the symbols representing the inner expressions. If not declared using the constructor TemplateStructure{K}(...), the keys of the variable_constraints NamedTuple will be used to infer this.

The Kp parameter is used to specify the symbols representing the parameters, if any.


  • combine: Required function taking a NamedTuple of ComposableExpressions (sharing the keys K), and then tuple representing the data of ValidVectors. For example, ((; f, g), (x1, x2, x3)) -> f(x1, x2) + g(x3) would be a valid combine function. You may also re-use the callable expressions and use different inputs, such as ((; f, g), (x1, x2)) -> f(x1 + g(x2)) - g(x1) is another valid choice.
  • num_features: Optional NamedTuple of function keys => integers representing the number of features used by each expression. If not provided, it will be inferred using the combine function. For example, if f takes two arguments, and g takes one, then num_features = (; f=2, g=1).
  • num_parameters: Optional NamedTuple of parameter keys => integers representing the number of parameters required for each parameter vector.

You can use the @template_spec macro as an easy way to create a TemplateExpressionSpec:

    parameters=(p1=10, p2=10, p3=1),
    expressions=(f, g),
) do x1, x2, class
    return p1[class] * g(x1^2) + f(x1, x2, p2[class]) - p3[1],

(Experimental) Creates a TemplateExpressionSpec with the given parameters and expressions. The parameters are used to define constants that can be indexed, and the expressions define the function keys for the template structure.


Composable expressions are used internally by TemplateExpression and allow you to combine multiple expressions together.

ComposableExpression{T,N,D} <: AbstractComposableExpression{T,N} <: AbstractExpression{T,N}

A symbolic expression representing a mathematical formula as an expression tree (tree::N) with associated metadata (metadata::Metadata{D}). Used to construct and manipulate expressions in symbolic regression tasks.


Create variables x1 and x2, and build an expression f = x1 * sin(x2):

operators = OperatorEnum(; binary_operators=(+, *, /, -), unary_operators=(sin, cos))
variable_names = ["x1", "x2"]
x1 = ComposableExpression(Node(Float64; feature=1); operators, variable_names)
x2 = ComposableExpression(Node(Float64; feature=2); operators, variable_names)
f = x1 * sin(x2)
# ^This now references the first and second arguments of things passed to it:

f(x1, x1) # == x1 * sin(x1)
f(randn(5), randn(5)) # == randn(5) .* sin.(randn(5))

# You can even pass it to itself:
f(f, f) # == (x1 * sin(x2)) * sin((x1 * sin(x2)))

Parametric Expressions

Parametric expressions are a type of expression that includes parameters which can be optimized during the search.

These types allow you to define expressions with parameters that can be tuned to fit the data better. You can specify the maximum number of parameters using the expression_options argument in SRRegressor.


Groups of equations are given as a population, which is an array of trees tagged with cost, loss, and birthdate–-these values are given in the PopMember.

Population(pop::Array{PopMember{T,L}, 1})

Create population from list of PopMembers.

           population_size, nlength::Int=3, options::AbstractOptions,

Create random population and evaluate them on the dataset.

Population(X::AbstractMatrix{T}, y::AbstractVector{T};
           population_size, nlength::Int=3,
           options::AbstractOptions, nfeatures::Int,

Create random population and score them on the dataset.


Population members

PopMember(t::AbstractExpression{T}, cost::L, loss::L)

Create a population member with a birth date at the current time. The type of the Node may be different from the type of the cost and loss.


  • t::AbstractExpression{T}: The tree for the population member.
  • cost::L: The cost (normalized to a baseline, and offset by a complexity penalty)
  • loss::L: The raw loss to assign.

Create a population member with a birth date at the current time. Automatically compute the cost for this tree.


  • dataset::Dataset{T,L}: The dataset to evaluate the tree on.
  • t::AbstractExpression{T}: The tree for the population member.
  • options::AbstractOptions: What options to use.

Hall of Fame


List of the best members seen all time in .members, with .members[c] being the best member seen at complexity c. Including only the members which actually have been set, you can run .members[exists].


  • members::Array{PopMember{T,L},1}: List of the best members seen all time. These are ordered by complexity, with .members[1] the member with complexity 1.
  • exists::Array{Bool,1}: Whether the member at the given complexity has been set.
