4 Conclusion
We have demonstrated an approach for imposing physically motivated inductive biases on graph net-
works to learn interpretable representations and improved zero-shot generalization. We have shown
through experiment that our graph network models which implement this inductive bias can learn
message representations equivalent to the true force vector for n-body gravitational and spring-like
simulations in 2D and 3D. We also have demonstrated a generic technique for finding an unknown
force law: symbolic regression models to fit explicit algebraic equations to our trained model’s mes-
sage function. Because GNs have more explicit sub-structure than their more homogeneous deep
learning relatives (e.g., plain MLPs, convolutional networks), we can draw more fine-grained inter-
pretations of their learned representations and computations. Finally, we have demonstrated that our
model generalizes better at inference time to systems with more bodies than had been experienced
during training.
Acknowledgments: Miles Cranmer and Rui Xu thank Professor S.Y. Kung for insightful suggestions
on early work, as well as Zejiang Hou for his comments on an early presentation. Miles Cranmer
would like to thank David Spergel for advice on this project, and Thomas Kipf, Alvaro Sanchez,
and members of the DeepMind team for helpful comments on a draft of this paper. We thank the
referees for insightful comments that both improved this paper and inspired future work.
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