
High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Python and Julia

symbolic-regression machine-learning python julia genetic-algorithm

A 15TB Collection of Physics Simulation Datasets

Code for "Discovering Symbolic Models from Deep Learning with Inductive Biases"

Distributed High-Performance Symbolic Regression in Julia

symbolic-regression julia symbolic-computation machine-learning automl

A safe and ergonomic alternative to rm

Large-Scale Multimodal Dataset of Astronomical Data

Curated list of interactive ML demos

awesome interactive javascript machine-learning visualization

Anki decks for physics, astronomy, computer science, machine learning, and statistics.

The dispatch doctor prescribes type stability

code-quality developer-tools development julia monitoring

Code for paper "Multiple Physics Pretraining for Physical Surrogate Models

Efficient and type-stable physical quantities in Julia

dimensional-analysis julia physics science scientific-computing

Multimodal contrastive pretraining for astronomical data

Repository for code used in the xVal paper

Ridiculously fast symbolic expressions

binary-trees expression-evaluator symbolic-computation symbolic-manipulation symbolic-regression

Easily benchmark a Julia package over its commit history

vims - use vim like sed

vim sed unix-command unix-pipes stdin

A borrow checker for Julia

borrow-checker code-quality concurrency development development-tools


🏃 Google StackOverflow in Vim. Copy-pastes the code directly in your script.

stackoverflow vim developer-tools google python

🖖 A package to determine whether planetary orbital configurations will live long and prosper

A paper describing the implementation of PySR and SymbolicRegression.jl

Turning SymPy expressions into JAX functions

Fast symbolic derivatives of runtime-generated expressions

You should use PySR to find scaling laws. Here's an example.

Bibtex for various Python science and machine learning software

Code for our paper on doing resource allocation with graph neural networks

pytorch deep-learning neural-network graph-neural-networks machine-learning

Autosuggestions for function keywords

Macro for deprecating keyword parameters