Many parts of SymbolicRegression.jl are designed to be customizable.
The normal way to do this in Julia is to define a new type that subtypes an abstract type from a package, and then define new methods for the type, extending internal methods on that type.
Custom Options
For example, you can define a custom options type:
— TypeAbstractOptions
An abstract type that stores all search hyperparameters for SymbolicRegression.jl. The standard implementation is Options
You may wish to create a new subtypes of AbstractOptions
to override certain functions or create new behavior. Ensure that this new type has all properties of Options
For example, if we have new options that we want to add to Options
Base.@kwdef struct MyNewOptions
a::Float64 = 1.0
b::Int = 3
we can create a combined options type that forwards properties to each corresponding type:
struct MyOptions{O<:SymbolicRegression.Options} <: SymbolicRegression.AbstractOptions
const NEW_OPTIONS_KEYS = fieldnames(MyNewOptions)
# Constructor with both sets of parameters:
function MyOptions(; kws...)
new_options_keys = filter(k -> k in NEW_OPTIONS_KEYS, keys(kws))
new_options = MyNewOptions(; NamedTuple(new_options_keys .=> Tuple(kws[k] for k in new_options_keys))...)
sr_options_keys = filter(k -> !(k in NEW_OPTIONS_KEYS), keys(kws))
sr_options = SymbolicRegression.Options(; NamedTuple(sr_options_keys .=> Tuple(kws[k] for k in sr_options_keys))...)
return MyOptions(new_options, sr_options)
# Make all `Options` available while also making `new_options` accessible
function Base.getproperty(options::MyOptions, k::Symbol)
return getproperty(getfield(options, :new_options), k)
return getproperty(getfield(options, :sr_options), k)
Base.propertynames(options::MyOptions) = (NEW_OPTIONS_KEYS..., fieldnames(SymbolicRegression.Options)...)
which would let you access a
and b
from MyOptions
objects, as well as making all properties of Options
available for internal methods in SymbolicRegression.jl
Any function in SymbolicRegression.jl you can generally define a new method on your custom options type, to define custom behavior.
Custom Mutations
You can define custom mutation operators by defining a new method on mutate!
, as well as subtyping AbstractMutationWeights
— Functionmutate!(
) where {N<:AbstractExpression,P<:PopMember,S}
Perform a mutation on the given tree
and member
using the specified mutation type S
. Various kws
are provided to access other data needed for some mutations.
You may overload this function to handle new mutation types for new AbstractMutationWeights
: The temperature parameter for annealing-based mutations.dataset::Dataset
: The dataset used for scoring.cost
: The cost of the member before mutation.loss
: The loss of the member before mutation.curmaxsize
: The current maximum size constraint, which may be different fromoptions.maxsize
: The number of features in the dataset.parent_ref
: Reference to the mutated member's parent (only used for logging purposes).recorder::RecordType
: A recorder to log mutation details.
A MutationResult{N,P}
object containing the mutated tree or member (but not both), the number of evaluations performed, if any, and whether to return immediately from the mutation function, or to let the next_generation
function handle accepting or rejecting the mutation. For example, a simplify
operation will not change the loss, so it can always return immediately.
— TypeAbstractMutationWeights
An abstract type that defines the interface for mutation weight structures in the symbolic regression framework. Subtypes of AbstractMutationWeights
specify how often different mutation operations occur during the mutation process.
You can create custom mutation weight types by subtyping AbstractMutationWeights
and defining your own mutation operations. Additionally, you can overload the sample_mutation
function to handle sampling from your custom mutation types.
To create a custom mutation weighting scheme with new mutation types, define a new subtype of AbstractMutationWeights
and implement the necessary fields. Here's an example using Base.@kwdef
to define the struct with default values:
using SymbolicRegression: AbstractMutationWeights
# Define custom mutation weights with default values
Base.@kwdef struct MyMutationWeights <: AbstractMutationWeights
mutate_constant::Float64 = 0.1
mutate_operator::Float64 = 0.2
custom_mutation::Float64 = 0.7
Next, overload the sample_mutation
function to include your custom mutation types:
# Define the list of mutation names (symbols)
const MY_MUTATIONS = [
# Import the `sample_mutation` function to overload it
import SymbolicRegression: sample_mutation
using StatsBase: StatsBase
# Overload the `sample_mutation` function
function sample_mutation(w::MyMutationWeights)
weights = [
weights = weights ./ sum(weights) # Normalize weights to sum to 1.0
return StatsBase.sample(MY_MUTATIONS, StatsBase.Weights(weights))
# Pass it when defining `Options`:
using SymbolicRegression: Options
options = Options(mutation_weights=MyMutationWeights())
This allows you to customize the mutation sampling process to include your custom mutations according to their specified weights.
To integrate your custom mutations into the mutation process, ensure that the mutation functions corresponding to your custom mutation types are defined and properly registered with the symbolic regression framework. You may need to define methods for mutate!
that handle your custom mutation types.
See Also
: A concrete implementation ofAbstractMutationWeights
that defines default mutation weightings.sample_mutation
: Function to sample a mutation based on current mutation weights.mutate!
: Function to apply a mutation to an expression tree.AbstractOptions
: See how to extend abstract types for customizing options.
— Functioncondition_mutation_weights!(weights::AbstractMutationWeights, member::PopMember, options::AbstractOptions, curmaxsize::Int)
Adjusts the mutation weights based on the properties of the current member and options.
This function modifies the mutation weights to ensure that the mutations applied to the member are appropriate given its current state and the provided options. It can be overloaded to customize the behavior for different types of expressions or members.
Note that the weights were already copied, so you don't need to worry about mutation.
: The mutation weights to be adjusted.member::PopMember
: The current population member being mutated.options::AbstractOptions
: The options that guide the mutation process.curmaxsize::Int
: The current maximum size constraint for the member's expression tree.
— FunctionSample a mutation, given the weightings.
— TypeMutationResult{N<:AbstractExpression,P<:PopMember}
Represents the result of a mutation operation in the genetic programming algorithm. This struct is used to return values from mutate!
tree::Union{N, Nothing}
: The mutated expression tree, if applicable. Eithertree
must be set, but not both.member::Union{P, Nothing}
: The mutated population member, if applicable. Eithermember
must be set, but not both.num_evals::Float64
: The number of evaluations performed during the mutation, which is automatically set to0.0
. Only used for things likeoptimize
: Iftrue
, the mutation process should return immediately, bypassing further checks, used for things likesimplify
where you already know the loss value of the result.
This struct encapsulates the result of a mutation operation. Either a new expression tree or a new population member is returned, but not both.
Return the member
if you want to return immediately, and have computed the loss value as part of the mutation.
Custom Expressions
You can create your own expression types by defining a new type that extends AbstractExpression
— TypeAbstractExpression{T,N}
(Experimental) Abstract type for user-facing expression types, which contain both the raw expression tree operating on a value type of T
, as well as associated metadata to evaluate and render the expression.
See ExpressionInterface
for a full description of the interface implementation, as well as tests to verify correctness.
If you wish to use @parse_expression
, you can also customize the parsing behavior with
The interface is fairly flexible, and permits you define specific functional forms, extra parameters, etc. See the documentation of DynamicExpressions.jl for more details on what methods you need to implement. You can test the implementation of a given interface by using ExpressionInterface
which makes use of Interfaces.jl
— Type ExpressionInterface
An Interfaces.jl Interface
with mandatory components (:get_contents, :get_metadata, :get_tree, :get_operators, :get_variable_names, :copy, :with_contents, :with_metadata)
and optional components (:copy_into!, :count_nodes, :count_constant_nodes, :count_depth, :index_constant_nodes, :has_operators, :has_constants, :get_scalar_constants, :set_scalar_constants!, :string_tree, :default_node_type, :constructorof, :tree_mapreduce)
Defines the interface of AbstractExpression
for user-facing expression types, which can store operators, extra parameters, functional forms, variable names, etc.
Extended help
Mandatory keys:
: extracts the runtime contents of an expressionget_metadata
: extracts the runtime metadata of an expressionget_tree
: extracts the expression tree fromAbstractExpression
: returns the operators used in the expression (or passoperators
explicitly to override)get_variable_names
: returns the variable names used in the expression (or passvariable_names
explicitly to override)copy
: returns a copy of the expressionwith_contents
: returns the expression with different treewith_metadata
: returns the expression with different metadata
Optional keys:
: copies an expression into a preallocated containercount_nodes
: counts the number of nodes in the expression treecount_constant_nodes
: counts the number of constant nodes in the expression treecount_depth
: calculates the depth of the expression treeindex_constant_nodes
: indexes constants in the expression treehas_operators
: checks if the expression has operatorshas_constants
: checks if the expression has constantsget_scalar_constants
: gets constants from the expression tree, returning a tuple of: (1) a flat vector of the constants, and (2) an reference object that can be used byset_scalar_constants!
to efficiently set them backset_scalar_constants!
: sets constants in the expression tree, given: (1) a flat vector of constants, (2) the expression, and (3) the reference object produced byget_scalar_constants
: returns a string representation of the expression treedefault_node_type
: returns the default node type for the expressionconstructorof
: gets the constructor function for a typetree_mapreduce
: applies a function across the tree
Then, for SymbolicRegression.jl, you would pass expression_type
to the Options
constructor, as well as any expression_options
you need (as a NamedTuple
If needed, you may need to overload SymbolicRegression.ExpressionBuilder.extra_init_params
in case your expression needs additional parameters. See the method for ParametricExpression
as an example.
You can look at the files src/ParametricExpression.jl
and src/TemplateExpression.jl
for more examples of custom expression types, though note that ParametricExpression
itself is defined in DynamicExpressions.jl, while that file just overloads some methods for SymbolicRegression.jl.
Other Customizations
Other internal abstract types include the following:
— TypeAbstractRuntimeOptions
An abstract type representing runtime configuration parameters for the symbolic regression algorithm.
is used by equation_search
to control runtime aspects such as parallelism and iteration limits. By subtyping AbstractRuntimeOptions
, advanced users can customize runtime behaviors by passing it to equation_search
See Also
: Default implementation used byequation_search
: Main function to perform symbolic regression.AbstractOptions
: See how to extend abstract types for customizing options.
— TypeAbstractSearchState{T,L,N}
An abstract type encapsulating the internal state of the search process during symbolic regression.
instances hold information like populations and progress metrics, used internally by equation_search
. Subtyping AbstractSearchState
allows customization of search state management.
Look through the source of equation_search
to see how this is used.
See Also
: Default implementation ofAbstractSearchState
: Function whereAbstractSearchState
is utilized.AbstractOptions
: See how to extend abstract types for customizing options.
These let you include custom state variables and runtime options.